about us

In 1995, after the launching of the Council of Europe’s campaign “All Different, all Equal”, the Forum of European Roma Young People was established during the follow-up activities of this initiative in 1997, and functioned as an informal network until 2002, moment that the organization was officially registered in Strasbourg, France as an European organization.
Since 2006, FERYP is the only Roma youth organization represented in the Advisory Council on youth of the Council of Europe, and since 2012, one of the main stakeholders of the Roma Youth Action Plan of CoE.
Through the years, FERYP has shaped its strategy according to the current challenges faced by young Roma in Europe.
Our work supports and enhances active Roma youth participation in decision-making processes with the aim to mainstream Roma issues in youth policies and the youth component in Roma policies and programs.
Today, our mission is to empower young Roma trough:
Supporting their personal and organizational capacity building
Promoting Roma identity
Advocating for increasing Roma youth participation on national and international level
Fighting anti-gypsyism
Addressing the challenges of diversity within Roma communities
our philosophy
We believe in a strong Europe, without hate, so we advocate for social changes by taking a step forward with new ideas and approaches. To do this, FERYP is aimed at partnering with Roma and non-Roma organizations and institutions who are willing to engage young European citizens to better shape an intercultural Europe.