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Roma Youth - A Glimmer of Hope

Since XII century, Roma have populated Europe in several migration waves[1]. They played a crucial role in the nation-building processes in almost all of the European states. Their contribution has been chronicled in many societal domains including cultural development, sports, art and other services for the sake of the progress of the countries. Young people, the biggest driving force of changes, are the hope of elders for the perseverance of social values and prosperity. However, Roma were never provided opportunity to develop or practice their own social values or political capacities in the most of the European nation states. Although many of the European states evolved during the history preserving their identity and values through state institutions, Roma faced a high level of irreverence and distrust. Consequently, non-Roma institutionally invested in youth, while Roma turned a blind eye to one of their major resource.

Up until the First World War, Roma still lacked participation and continuously failed to access state institutions, which latter resulted with perishing and destructive policies. In the Second World War, considering the fact that Roma were directly targeted and racially inferior that are destined to wither, there have been several attempts to organize and resist genocidal policies. Apart from mass shootings of Roma men, women and children were not lenient in this horrendous chapter of the history. From the estimated loss of more than 500.000[2] Roma people, a great share in the concentration camps were Roma youth[3]. Generations of young Roma have been exterminated in the camps, while some survivors still traumatized remember Dr. Mengele’s experiments on young Roma[4]. 16th May 1944 was one of the prime examples of Roma organizing to resist the Nazi policies for extermination in the gas chambers. That day, Roma inmates in Auschwitz II-Birkenau’s Zigeunerlager showed unity opposing their captors[5].

Driven by the despicable fate in the Second World War, Roma in 1971 started the "Romanihood" or the Roma movement. The first World Roma Congress took place on 8th of April 1971, near London (Orpington)[6], and this date is celebrated as the International Roma Day. On this day in 1971, there were 23 Roma representatives from 9 European countries[7] establishing the fundamentals of a nation without state. The main achievements of the Congress were the adoption of the flag as a national symbol, the anthem “Gelem gelem” and the usage of the term “Rrom/a” (in Rromanes meaning ‘man/human’)[8]. Apart from these achievements, this was the first time for Roma to gather and debate about issues related to education, language, culture, war crimes etc. In addition to the first Congress, eight more congresses followed with the same model, discussing the major problems that Roma face in Europe[9].

Considering the fact that throughout the history Roma in Europe were exterminated and perished through different policies including exodus, forced sterilization, assimilation, assassination etc. Still, Roma have had an upward fertility rate in comparison with every European nation[10]. Thus, today, Roma is the youngest trans-national ethnicity living in Europe[11]. Having this said, Roma youth became the biggest resource for progress of the European society. Despite these facts, the question of Roma youth participation remains an unsolved mystery. In 1971, Roma youth issues were not addressed nor have youth participated at this milestone event[12]. Only on the fifth Congress in Italy 2004, youth issues were indirectly discussed without any standpoint or direction for further engagement[13]. According to the agenda, the participants discussed the status of families, women and children while tackling some youth issues at the European level. This signaled that the Congresses became inaudible institutionalized forums where elders discuss the agenda and the issues of Roma in Europe, neglecting the biggest segment in the population – young Roma. Therefore, the interests and issues of young Roma have been marginalized in this movement.

After the developments in the congresses, their fragmentations and the loss of their political leverage, Roma youth used their capacities and opportunities to focus their issues targeting different stakeholders at the national and European level. According to the developments after 2000, Roma youth gradually attracted the attention of many European organizations, including the CoE, OSF, OSCE, EU and many more. Many organizations were created at the national level, while the European networks of Roma youth organizations became the interlocutors of the Roma youth issues. This demonstrated a leap of faith for young Roma that their issues will be articulated and tackled. Increasingly, all of the stakeholders organized different activities investing in the creation of generations of young Roma that will be proud of their identity, preserve their cultural heritage and take responsibility to advance the situation of Roma in Europe.

However, Europe after several critical junctures and lack of leadership became a more radicalized environment for Roma especially for the youth. If there were times when the extreme far-right parties were anticipated as jokes, now they became a serious threat in all societal segments in Europe. The rise of nationalism in extreme forms and anti-Gypsyism converted to an everyday language for politicians and institutions[14]. National governments use Roma as scapegoats when their policies fail, depicting Roma as public enemy, vagabonds or deviants that reject to integrate[15]. Furthermore, the number of racially motivated attacks on Roma is increasing while institutions fail to react[16].

Despite the facts and the results from the past in the movement, now, more than ever, Roma are in a desperate need of mobilization. Although Roma elders faced tougher and more ignorant times, now the youth must not remain oblivious. Considering the resource in the youth, their various capacities, profiles and expertise, it is now vital to show unity and act. The youth should take responsibility to capitalize from their education, all the trainings, scholarships, conferences, seminars and other types and forms of investment and understand the challenges that Roma face today. In addition, young Roma should accumulate the past experiences and wisdom from the elders and act together for a more dignified life in Europe. Only then, Roma can understand their capacity, resources and political leverage at the national and European level. Participation in all possible forms of society is required in order to show that Roma, like every other European nation, strives for progress, development and inclusive Europe.



Suad Skenderi graduated Political Science, International Relations and Journalism at FON University, Macedonia and acquired his Master of Arts degree in Political Science at the Central European University – Budapest. He has worked in the sector for Human Rights and Inter-ethnic relations at Mesecina – Gostivar. Currently he is a researcher and analyst at the Institute of Research and Policy Analyses –Romalitico. He is interested in data visualizations, infographics, advocacy, minority politics, political representation, political participation and good governance. In addition, he has contributed for the Balkanist, Bright Green, European Student Think Tank, Nationalia, Iul Pianus and other.

[1] Courthiade, Marcel (2003) “The Gangetic city of Kannauʒ : original cradle-town of the Rromani people” Wydawnictwonaukowe Poznan

[2] Hancock, Ian (2002) “We are the Romani People. Ame sam e Rromanedžene” Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press

[3] Central Council of Sinti and Roma – Children in Concentration Camps. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

[4] Central Council of Sinti and Roma - Mengele's experiments in Auschwitz. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

[5] M. Matache and J. Bhabha - Celebrating Romani Resistance Day – Epoch Times. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

[6] Kenrick, Donald (1971). “The World Romani Congress – April 1971″. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society

[7] Ibid

[8] Hancock, Ian (2002). “We are the Romani People. Ame sam e Rromanedžene”. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press

[9] Kenrick, Donald (1971). “The World Romani Congress – April 1971″. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society

[10] W. Haug and Y. Courbage (1998). “The demographic characteristics of national minorities in certain European states”. Council of Europe Publishing

[11] Ibid

[12] Kenrick, Donald (1971). “The World Romani Congress – April 1971″. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society

[13] International Romani Union – Congresses. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

[14] Global Post - 14 unbelievably racist things European (and Canadian) politicians are saying about the Roma. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

[15] Ibid

[16] EU Observer - Violence against Roma on the rise, says Amnesty. available at: ( last accessed 02.04.2017

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